Live in union with God
through prayer
I love this idea of "without Me you can do nothing", because it's magnificent, it's radical: [without Him] we can do nothing. So, there's no need to worry; we know we can do nothing! So, we have to ask the Lord for everything.
Brotherhood of Jesus Retreat 31/12/79

Prayer unites us to God in a heart-to-heart with the Lord.
So many Community brothers and sisters say they understand what prayer is simply from praying by Pierre Goursat’s side, and seeing how absorbed he became in this heart-to-heart.
Each one of us is invited to choose prayer.
We too can “go deeper” in our prayer, as Pierre Goursat so often urges us to, but how? What is the key to experiencing the prayer of the heart, this “burning fire of love” which solders our communion with God?
The goal is to achieve continuous prayer, but without it being a strain. Lovers do their work, but they think of each other all the time, endlessly. Well, we are in love with Jesus. And little by little we think about Him all the time. So wherever we are, we pray our rosary we praise Him. And it's a continual joy.
Community weekend 18&19/6/77
They share
Prayer is vital
Jesus tells us that without Him we can do nothing. If this is really so, why are we waiting to pray to Him for everything, to ask Him for everything?
Supporting our prayer
Do you "dry up" when it comes to praying? Is nothing happening? Is it an "empty" time for you? Then see how a saint who is a brother or sister of yours has fared. Reading a saint's life awakens us, teaches us and gives us new heart.
Prayer really works
In prayer we hand over everything to God. This enables Him to act because we are no longer doing our will but His. Entrusting ourselves to God through prayer transforms us profoundly through the peace and joy we receive.
Praying all the time
It is truly possible to pray all the time, and always be with God! During the day, we entrust everything we do to him; when taking public transport, we pray to him for the people around us. In silent times, we try to listen to Him; in noisy situations, we try to intercede.
If you find it really difficult to pray alone, get together with three or four others, not to pray spontaneously together, but to pray silently. In a word, you say: "I've come to pray with you because I can't do it alone. But I do this prayer with Jesus, and you do it with Jesus." We are there, beside each other, and we watch each other secretly! And then, after a quarter of an hour or half an hour, you might say: "That's wonderful!" and you might say to the other person: "How well you prayed! And the other person might say: "Me? I completely dried up, it was terrible!" It encourages you, it's amazing! It gives you the Holy Spirit. Because, otherwise, you would be terribly discouraged. Well, you don't have to be. You really should do that.
Interview of 23/05/76
If you find it really difficult to pray alone, get together with three or four others, not to pray spontaneously together, but to pray silently. In a word, you say: "I've come to pray with you because I can't do it alone. But I do this prayer with Jesus, and you do it with Jesus." We are there, beside each other, and we watch each other secretly! And then, after a quarter of an hour or half an hour, you might say: "That's wonderful!" and you might say to the other person: "How well you prayed! And the other person might say: "Me? I completely dried up, it was terrible!" It encourages you, it's amazing! It gives you the Holy Spirit. Because, otherwise, you would be terribly discouraged. Well, you don't have to be. You really should do that.
Interview of 23/05/76