A few words from Pierre
son adoration

The need for prayer

I have a physical need for prayer, or else I suffocate and become sad. As soon as I get back to it, joy, peace and light come back. But now I see that it is not only a time of prayer [that I need], it is continually that I should stay with Jesus

Letter n°8 to Françou Malcor 1973

I like very much this “without me you can do nothing”, because it’s beautiful, it’s radical, [without him] we can do nothing. So we don’t have to be worried, we say we can do nothing! So we have to ask the Lord for everything

Fraternity of Jesus Retreat 31/12/79

What is very important is personal prayer. If you can't pray for half an hour a day, you're finished, you're completely finished

Community Weekend 18-19/06/77

To pray is to love Jesus. It is to grant Him an appointment: the roles are reversed! One might think that it is He who agrees to grant us an appointment. Well, not at all! He is always there waiting for us day and night, he never gets tired, and we are the ones who do not receive him. So when we accept, you think of his joy, how well we are received. […]

It is faith that makes us understand this, believing what Jesus says textually: “I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice, I will come in to him and dine with him.”

Preparatory notes for a teaching at the end of 1971

The essential thing is the Lord, the interior life, adoration and prayer. If we do not live in prayer, in adoration and in the humility and gentleness of the Lord's Heart, everything else is useless.

Fraternity of Jesus Retreat 08/79 Second teaching

It is obvious that at the beginning of our spiritual life we have to listen, to sit at the feet [of the Lord]. We are always at the beginning […] But if we start to get agitated and say: “Thank you Lord, I will act for you”, well, we don’t do good things because we have not received the necessary graces to act, because we have not been asked. So there’s this first very important part: this rest from God […] It’s the Lord saying to us, “Rest, listen to me and I will transform you.” So the second point is that, after we have been at rest, after we have enjoyed the Lord, after we have listened to Him, after He has really entered deeply, after He has transformed us, we go through purifications that we can call deserts… We will learn how to love, how the Lord hides himself so that we love him more… And then we come to the fire of God’s love. If we ask the Lord when we are in the desert: “You see I keep falling back, I don’t come out of it but I walk anyway, I don’t know very well where I am going but I walk anyway”, if we beg the Lord and if we don’t lean on ourselves at all, if we really ask the Lord to come and burn us, [He will do it]. […] The simplest thing is to ask for fire, the fire of heaven: that it comes into us. It is a purifying fire. He makes a fire of joy with our sins (it’s very good) and after that [the sin] disappears because it’s really His fire that burns. And then that fire comes into our heart. You don’t know where to go because there is this fire everywhere and this fire leads you to love your neighbor, to love the Lord. It becomes a very great trial but it is a trial of love and it is this one that really transforms us. And then how it burns us completely,
obviously, we illuminate others if we burn ourselves! And finally it helps everyone. It’s really this fire! So until we have this fire, we will never get very far. So this fire does not come immediately to transform us, it often comes after all these trials of purification in the desert, but we must ask for it.

Weekend "Emmanuel" 25-26/10/75 Saturday 25/10/75

You see, you have to pray, pray without ceasing: you know that well, it’s all about doing it. Secondly, you must love one another: it’s easy to say, it’s less easy to do.

And thirdly, we must proclaim the Lord because we have received a spirit of Pentecost, a spirit of power and boldness. You really have to believe it, and you have to pray for each other, so that you get it.

Weekend "Emmanuel" 25-26/10/75

We must pray so that the grace of God may infiltrate us, take us, transform us, otherwise we remain on the surface of ourselves. The first point is to pray: personal prayer, prayer for 2, 3, 4 or 5 people, and then in community… otherwise we are in danger of death.

Emmanuel" inter-assembly day 13/03/76

So we must have a minimum of prayer time
and that's what the Lord is asking of us.

Community Weekend 01/04/79

We don’t say, ‘Here, we must do this, we must do that, we must do this. No,” Pierre explains with a smile, “we say ‘pray’ and the Lord speaks to the heart of each one of them… and they feel each other’s transformations and desires.

Community Weekend 22/09/79

The secret is to abide in his love. He asks us: “Remain. It is a command, it is advice. That is the essential!

Fraternity of Jesus Retreat 08/78

We live in the city, we must live like others, but we must really worship and pray, and the Lord will keep us in the Holy Spirit.

Community Weekend 22/09/79

The Lord loves us infinitely, we must believe it and live it. For this, pray more, spend time in prayer. Mother Teresa (said): “If you want to pray better, pray more.” That way, Pierre explains, we enter into his Heart and understand his Mercy.

Community Weekend 18-19/06/77

If we always talk to Him about ourselves ( Pierre said to young people in 1971), how will we hear what He has to say to us? The Lord really wants to work on us in depth. But if we talk all the time, we don’t have time to listen to Him; if we get restless, we don’t have time to listen to Him, do you understand? We must really center ourselves on Him, without straining ourselves, but simply loving Him and then asking Him all the time to set us on fire.

Fraternity Retreat August 78. 09/08/78 Morning

There is this first very important part: this rest from God. […] It is the Lord who says to us, “Rest, listen to me and I will transform you.”

Weekend "Emmanuel" 25-26/10/75 Saturday 25/10/75

Continuous prayer

The goal is to achieve continuous prayer, but without straining each other. Lovers do their work, but they are always thinking of the other, without stopping. Well, we are in love with Jesus. And little by little we think of him all the time. So wherever we are, we pray our rosary, we worship. And it is a continuous joy.

Community Weekend 18-19/06/77

Sometimes we say: “I did my hour of prayer, I had 55 minutes that didn’t work very well, the last five minutes worked well, I finished my hour. And then it’s over. Until the next day!” It’s not exactly like that when you love someone! You don’t say, “Well, I came to see you, it’s over now, see you tomorrow.” You try to find them! […] So if we love, we find ways to find the Lord, to think about him. You know very well that, when someone is in love, people say at work: “It’s absolutely impossible, he always has his head elsewhere! […] If we are in the Lord, we have our minds on what we are doing. But at the same time, it doesn’t stop us from thinking about him, asking him, and simply saying, “If I could think about it a little bit from time to time, it wouldn’t be bad.”

Community Weekend 14-15/06/80

Renewal is fire on earth...
but this fire must be fanned by unceasing prayer.

It’s important during the day not to just do an hour of prayer where you’ve been very tense. We say, “Whew! My hour is over!” And then we get busy again. What’s the point? The hour of prayer is meant to be with the Lord, but to be with the Lord all the time! If you pray for a moment and then afterwards you get restless for twenty-three hours, well, everything will be demolished and you will come back with even less union with the Lord than before.

Community Weekend 01/04/79

It is necessary to ask the Lord every day for His grace to remain with Him (to achieve continuous prayer).

Fraternity of Jesus Retreat. August 78 09/08/78 Afternoon.

The aspiration prayer is quite practical: to have a little (impulse) towards the Lord. And if you were to die right now, you would really be in the Lord because you are doing an act of pure love. It is a flash. And these small flashes can multiply, and little by little we can be more and more in Him. (to arrive at continuous prayer)

Community Weekend 14-15/06/80

It is important during the day to take a few minutes in addition to your hour of prayer; you manage to say: “Lord, listen, my morning went like this, I didn’t think about you that much. I didn’t think much about you. And then I got angry with such and such a colleague, and then all that…” It’s quite simple, says Peter always encouraging, every day we move forward, and every day it’s long; and then it doesn’t move forward! And then it goes on! And you always say: “Well, I’m moving forward anyway, I’m moving forward! That’s it!” And as you move forward, things get done, little by little. And you see after a while that you thought you had not advanced; well, finally, you have arrived on the other side… on the other shore. (to arrive at the continuous prayer)

Community Weekend 01/04/79

You have to keep working. As the Lord says, “My Father and I are always working. That’s part of asceticism. That’s what asceticism is; all the time saying, “Here, Lord, I missed a moment, I could have really prayed to you or I could have done this with you.” […] All the time saying to the Lord, “Lord, help me to do things with you; do things with me.” (to arrive at continual prayer)

Week-end communautaire 01/04/79

The devil has only one idea,
it is to make us leave this meditation.
(to arrive at continuous prayer)

Fraternity of Jesus Retreat. August 78 09/08/78 Afternoon.

Everything pulls us out of ourselves,” Pierre said to young people in 1972, “but we can do a lot in the world, be very active while being very contemplative. We are not distracted because we do everything for love. An act of love does not distract us from the one we love. (to arrive at continuous prayer)

Handwritten notes

So that’s what makes, in our life, in our words, in our way of eating and being – all little things – that we really live with the Lord. Then this fire grows in us and it becomes this prayer of the heart, this continuous prayer… The prayer of the heart is really this fire of love that burns. So much so that it is fanned and we can continue: it is a fire that is given – everything is given. So much so that, without difficulty, one can pray. Without restraint… no restraint is needed at all! but we pray with Jesus, He stays with us, He remains with us. So obviously it is easy to pray because He is with us! (to arrive at continuous prayer)

Fraternity of Jesus Retreat. August 78 09/08/78 Afternoon.

These “small sacrifices”, says Pierre, generate in us a presence of the Lord; we give thanks to the Lord and little by little we arrive at continuous prayer. It is a concrete prayer, it is no longer a prayer made of feelings or impressions, of sensations or self-centeredness, all those things. It is simply love! And the more we do, the more we will burn. (to arrive at continuous prayer)

Community Weekend 25/01/81

The Lord will explain to us how we can remain in His Love and especially how we will not remain in His Love; that is to say, the little imperfections, the little lapses that would prevent us from remaining in His Love. It is each one who will feel this in his heart. Well, at that moment, we only have to go in the direction that the Lord indicates. And to these small details, which are very little, one answers: “Oh, it’s no problem, a little sacrifice here, a little sacrifice there, it’s no use if I do it…”. This is very important because it is a delicacy of the heart […] and if one passes over it, well, the Lord withdraws.

And the more we go forward with Him, the more they are delicacies; and if we crush these delicacies, the Lord withdraws. You must really believe that this is very, very important. [It is very important because it is this that makes us “stick” to the Lord or that leaves us detached from Him. So Lord, teach us this really! (to arrive at continuous prayer)

Fraternity of Jesus Retreat. August 78 09/08/78 Afternoon.

The closer we get to God, the more the Lord reaches out to us and asks us to go to him.

Community Weekend 01/04/79

The active life takes place only in prayer. One is driven to live actively by prayer. As Mother Teresa used to say, we adore but then we don’t leave adoration for the brothers, we continue to adore Jesus in the brother or with the brothers, and that is what is very important. At that moment we abandon ourselves to the Lord: it is not we who do, but the Lord. As long as we haven’t reached that point, we can’t do anything. We must strive for continual prayer.

Then people will say, “But continuous prayer is a gift from God. I will say, “That’s okay, only this gift of God can only really come if we don’t get in the way, if we don’t prevent the Lord from speaking to us as He would like to speak to us.”

Community Weekend 01/04/79

Power of prayer / Fruits

We must believe in the extraordinary power of the prayer that we all make together in faith. Because it is with faith that the world is transformed. It is an immense force

Community Weekend 21/06/81

There are two ways to create a community. One is to say, “That’s not bad, I’ll make my own little group, a little group with so-and-so. Then it doesn’t [last] long. Secondly [is to say:] “You mustn’t go too fast, you’ve seen the look on people’s faces, so you must discern!” Everyone discerns; we discern on the discernment of discernment!… The discernment exists, the discernment of the heart. We ask Jesus: “Really send me people to form this team.” And if it is really Jesus who sends them, then it will work itself out. But don’t do human things. Wait even maybe six months by yourself and say, “Lord send me…” and pray. If you pray, it will come, for sure. […]

Little by little, the Lord, without making any structure, will show you the paths to take.

Gathering in Vézelay 07/74

The Lord gives everything in prayer.

Fraternity of Jesus Christmas 78 Retreat

One day, all these words heard a hundred times suddenly have an overwhelming effect on me. The words of Jesus are words of life

Preparatory notes for a teaching at the end of 1971

I lived from adoration and did prayer in Eucharistic adoration and the Sacred Heart.

Interview by Jean-Marc and Françou Morin in Saint-Maurice 5-8/08/88

In any case, for evangelization, if you haven’t prayed, it doesn’t work at all! If we prayed, people are transformed, it’s really extraordinary. The power of prayer is extraordinary! And people know it intellectually, but they don’t know it with their heart.

From Prayer Group to Community" sessions in Paray 05-09/07/79 05/07/79

Then this dullness of each day can be transformed into love of the Lord. Therese said, “Instead of ecstasy, I prefer the mediocrity of each day.” And mediocrity in a carmel where it is cold, ugly, and where there are little sisters who are more or less successful, it is not funny you know! [Therese transformed everything into love, that’s what’s magnificent! Well, we must transform everything, in family life, in office life… in the subway, everywhere. If we do this (it’s a question of habit!), these small sacrifices generate in us a presence of the Lord, and little by little we arrive at continuous prayer.

Community Weekend 25/01/81

Difficulties in prayer

Prayer, you know very well that it is very difficult because there are moments when it goes by itself: you feel like an angel and you say to yourself: “This is unbelievable” and then you have a dreadful dry spell and all you can think of is to get out of here, and you find all the reasons in the world, me first, to do something else saying: “No, it’s not important. And then time passes…

Interview on 23/05/76

Practically to find the half hour every day, it is not so easy. Especially when you are bored. As Therese of Avila used to say (she didn’t have a watch, she had her hourglass) she used to shake her hourglass so that it would flow faster… So if even Therese of Avila did that, you see where we are! So we say, “It’s a waste of time. We’re efficient, so half an hour doing nothing like that is silly. Especially since my head is always spinning!”

Community Weekend 18-19/06/77

When we are with Jesus who suffers, we also suffer!
And we don't feel the drought so much!

Fraternity Retreat August 78.

You need to get help from other brothers to be able to take that half hour and stick to it, especially when you are in a drought.

Community Weekend 18-19/06/77

If you find it so difficult to pray alone, get together with 3 or 4 others, not to pray spontaneously together, but to pray silently. In short, you say: “I have come to do my prayer with you because I am not able to do it alone. But this prayer, I do it with Jesus, and you do it with Jesus. We are next to each other, and we watch each other from the corner of our eyes! And then, after a quarter of an hour or half an hour, you will say: “It’s wonderful, to pray well!” and you will say to the other: “How well you prayed!” And the other one will say: “Me? I was in an unbelievable drought! This is fantastic! It gives you the Holy Spirit. Because, otherwise, you would be completely discouraged. Well, no… You really have to do this.

Interview on 23/05/76

And the number of people who do not do their prayer. Why not? Because, at the last moment, they are tired, they look at a magazine and then they lose time. If there’s a little sister next door who says: “Hey, your half hour! Go do your half hour!” Immediately the other one does her half hour. There’s that little nudge… that pushes him into prayer.

Sessions in Paray 09-21/07/77 "From prayer group to community

We are really engaged in a merciless struggle and the devil, through second causes, is always trying to nibble away at us… he nibbles away at our time. [Time] is what we can offer to the Lord. So it’s important that we can see exactly how we can change things to move forward.

Community Weekend 01/04/79

As St. Francis de Sales said (to one of his friends who became a bishop), “Adore for an hour.” And, said the other, “But I am very busy! – Well, precisely, then adore two hours.”

That’s it, Peter comments, but it’s obvious. The busier you are, the more you have to say: “before everything else”. You pray to the Lord, you see your schedule and you say, ‘But there are no opportunities. Then you say: “Do it again”. And you will say, “But there is this, so I can delete this, I can delete that…” And with his wit: “And then finally I have my two hours and I start with my two hours” – well it’s only one hour, you don’t have to press from the start! But… that’s if you are a very, very busy man!!!… (Praying) is about saving time.

Fraternity of Jesus Retreat 30-31/12/77

You are very organized people: you have work to do all day, and you do the dishes, and then the housework, and then everything… and you take your hour of prayer! Everything is organized. Only, when the weekend comes, “Ah, I didn’t do my hour of prayer!” So you have rested for two days but you can’t find the time to do your prayer. Because your time off is not organized. When you go on vacation this summer, […] you’ll say, “I’m resting and then I’ll do this, I’ll do that.” And “I’m going to pray. And then I’m going to do a spiritual reading and then I’m going to be with friends who we’re going to have a serious talk with.” […] So we have to get organized… We will say: “What am I going to do during my vacations? And, what can I do to maintain myself and, more than maintaining myself, to deepen myself?” Because the time off is a good time, it’s a time when we often go into decline.

Community Weekend 14-15/06/80

You take a pencil and write down every week (in a notebook) the time you have really been with Jesus. If you don't open your notebook, you say, "Well, I (prayed) every day. When "I just prayed once or twice!" when in your small spirit you were convinced that you had prayed almost every day! And you realize that the reality is much further away.

Interview on 23/05/76

It kind of reminds you that you are committed to a time of prayer! “Well Lord, I didn’t do that much; and then there I kind of cut it short too. And then on the third day, I got caught up in a very important charity thing, I didn’t get to pray either.” You see! So, conclusion, at the end of the week you will say, “I was supposed to pray every day, I only prayed twice, two or three times!” And it’s fantastic when you see that, you say, “But it’s funny, I thought I had prayed every day!”

Community Weekend 21/06/81

Often there are those who are generous but always restless. So finally, in prayer, they have many ideas in their head. If during the day you are peaceful, when you come to prayer, it’s very simple: you enter into prayer and then you remain peacefully in prayer. If you are terribly agitated, it is a huge effort that you make to say: “Oh dear, I must calm down!”

Community Weekend 01/04/79

If you are at work, if you are running around, if you are as nervous as anything and you go up the stairs four by four, when you get to the prayer, you are out of breath, you can’t take it anymore and it takes at least ten minutes to catch your breath. And this breath is not the rhythm of God, because the Lord does not have a heart that beats like crazy. So, you see, we’re off the mark. It takes time to find ourselves and the easiest thing was not to get lost! If one had stayed in the center [in the heart], naturally one finds oneself in prayer because one has stayed with the Lord.

Community Weekend Spring '79

Our rhythm of life is the rhythm of the Heart of Jesus and the rhythm of the Heart of Mary. So at that moment we relax, we are all joyful and relaxed and at the same time all recollected. You don’t get excited, you don’t need to recollect yourself afterwards because you haven’t gotten excited, because you remain with Him. We are simple, we are with Him and that simplifies our life.

If we don’t have this rhythm of life, we have difficulties in prayer. You know, we say: “I am in a period of desert, I have trials, it is magnificent, I am purifying myself.” In fact the Lord does not purify anything; it is because we are not listening to the Lord at all! So, obviously, when we are in prayer, we are dry, dry, dry. It is really important to be in the right frame of mind and to really be with the Lord.

Community Weekend Spring '79

To take this rhythm in the Lord, it requires that we have a kind of discipline. The word ” discipline ” should not frighten us because it is not strictness; it has nothing to do with that. But discipline is the opposite of letting go.

Community Weekend 01/04/79

It’s obvious that we really need to have a schedule… a schedule that’s fairly flexible but still allows us to have reference points and to say, “Lord I’m doing this for you.”

Community Weekend 01/04/79

It is important that we see, while realizing how essential the Trinity is, with which Person in particular the Lord puts us personally in touch. Really, this is exceedingly important. We can be in relationship with all three, but there is often one Person in particular with whom we feel we are in deeper union.

Weekend "Emmanuel" 26/10/75

You know that Silouane said that the monk is the one who prays for the whole world. One wonders what a monk is for! Obviously, if the monk prays like a lightning rod for the whole world, we understand that it is useful. Well, we can do the same thing, but together and with the Holy Spirit.

Interview on 23/05/76

They say that we are in a drought. […] Well, when we are with Jesus who suffers, we also suffer, you understand. And we don’t feel the drought so much! Or else it is a spiritual dryness that is really given by God. Then, at that moment, one really remains… one sticks to the Lord

Fraternity Retreat August 78. 09/08/78 Morning

The Lord hides himself so that we love him more.

Weekend "Emmanuel" 25-26/10/75 Saturday 25/10/75

Nourish your prayer

How can you have a deep and spiritual prayer if you don’t read spiritual books, if you don’t read the Greek fathers? –

I am not telling you to read them in Greek, of course! But to really read. You must nourish your prayer beforehand: if you have an hour of prayer, well, have half an hour more!

Community Weekend Spring '79

To know Him (Christ), to hear His voice, which is the voice of a person you have met, you must read, reread the Gospels, and meditate, that is to say, reread unceasingly, trying to understand what is behind the human words of these words which are words of life: that is to say, they immediately realize and produce what they say and mean…

These texts (of the Gospel), you will read them to be eager, in a savory knowledge to know the secrets of love of the personality of Jesus, to understand his psychology, to know him better and love him better. And if at times Jesus, touched by your search, makes you discover secrets of love himself, you listen to him.

Jesus is the Word incarnate, the Word right to the heart:
we must receive it in the heart.

Handwritten notes

But to hear his voice, you have to know him, he is a whisper… And Pierre continues: In the hubbub of our soul and our mind, it is not so easy to hear him. To hear him, we must learn his language. We must meditate in the Gospel on his life, his words… They are secrets of love. To understand them, we must love, and to do so, we must know them. We must use our intelligence, our affection, we must meditate, that is to say, take up a passage, read it, reread it, be silent, try to understand […] Then one day, all these words that I had heard a hundred times, suddenly, they produced an effect in me, overwhelming. The words of Jesus are words of Life…

Handwritten notes

For those who will say, “Oh, these texts, I know them, I even know them by heart,” I will say, “You are very happy if you know them by heart because you can repeat them every day, and little by little, chewing and eating them, maybe it will enter your heart a little bit.” So these texts that you know well, as it is Scripture, savor them, savor them. Those who know them less, well, they’re very happy to know them; but those who know them, savor them, savor them.

Weekend "Emmanuel" 25-26/10/75 Saturday 25/10/75

“Who are my brothers?” In a great oratorical movement – because he was speaking, you had to see! – Jesus said, “These are my brothers: he who hears the Word of God and keeps it.” Ah, that’s fantastic, but you really have to believe it!

Fraternity of Jesus Retreat 30-31/12/77

We really need to do everything we can to nourish our intelligence and our prayer. Some people blame themselves for coming to a dry period. You have had a honeymoon period for a year or two and then you say: “It’s strange, now I don’t feel anything…”. The answer is: “That’s fine, you live in faith. But in order to live in faith, you need to have solid food on which you can lean to be able to hold on in prayer. And that’s why these writings, this theological study of Scripture is really very important because you reread the pages of Scripture, but not only do you reread them, but you reread them with a sense of all that this and that Father [of the Church], or this and that saint during these 2000 years, prayed about this or that wise man, all the lights they had in prayer. So you have food that is given to you and that helps you a lot. That is the essential. All the spiritual directors say: “If you do one hour of prayer, you must do half an hour of spiritual reading. So spiritual reading is always a bit tiring, a bit tiring, we are very busy. But if you come to classes here and then the teacher says to you: “Read this book or that thing”, you are a little forced to do it […] but it helps you to progress and then to nourish your intelligence and your spirit.

Community Weekend 22/09/79


We will end in praise because He wants us there. We praise the Lord for his Mercy and his Love, for the gratuitousness of this Love that gives us to love each other and to be able to help each other to sanctify ourselves, and then to arrive all up there, together! Amen, Hallelujah!

Community Weekend 17-18/05/80

I don’t know if you are aware of this, but in principle, one must go to Heaven. So if you arrive with your two suitcases in front of St. Peter and you are blocked, and you cannot praise, he will say to you: “But my poor old man, how do you want me to take you? Everyone praises, everyone sings […] and then they applaud; so, if you stay like a log, it’s not possible! Then you don’t have much time on earth to learn how to practice praising!”

Pentecost Gathering for Unity in Lyon 28-30/05/77

Some people say, “Look, I praise when I feel like praising, I’m not going to force myself to praise. It’s ridiculous to force yourself.” Then I answer, “But it is not worth forcing yourself, only you have to turn on your will.” The truth is that the most important thing is that praise allows us to exercise the theological virtues.

Pentecost Gathering for Unity in Lyon 28-30/05/77

Praising when things are going well is easy, anyone can do it.

Pentecost Gathering for Unity in Lyon 28-30/05/77

Praising when things are going well is easy, anyone can do it. But when you are suffering, when you have a toothache or a flare-up, it is not very easy. But if you don’t start practicing when it’s easy, how will you do it when it’s hard? This is common sense!

Pentecost Gathering for Unity in Lyon 28-30/05/77

When we praise in a big way… when there are many of us, we feel the glory of the Lord, with all these brothers praying and praising the Lord together.

You think you are already in Heaven! It is magnificent! [I didn’t think that the Lord needed to have glory; there are so many people on earth who seek glory! And I understood that it is not this glory. It is really love, it is extraordinary. So we are so happy to see Him glorious! He has been so humbled by our sufferings that we are really happy! But most of all, we have to believe it.

Retraite de la Fraternité de Jésus 31/12/79

Prayer in tongues

I saw then that the loving prayer made me say sounds much closer to the ABCs, the loving words of a little child trying to say Pappa (Abba). That this prayer in tongues made me joyful. That it made me want to sing in tongues. Finally, that it put me in union with God at all hours of the day, that it served me as the prayer of Jesus, but with much more ease and without restraint.

I intend to do this when I am in danger of being distracted on the subway and I am pretty sure that it will simply put me back into peaceful union with Jesus and his divine Spirit.

Letter n°8 to Françou Malcor 1973

You know, the story of singing in tongues, when they say “it’s useless”… The effectiveness!… It’s very useful because we communicate with up above. And meanwhile the others don’t understand anything, it’s excessively important!
You see, for example, in prison, we noticed that when they wanted to brainwash, the guys started to sing in tongues. They could never block them because it was beyond the “system”. And that’s it, he can’t get a handle on it.

Fraternity of Jesus Retreat 30-31/12/77